Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Fed-up: Matt. 11:28

 Too many times you may feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You may wonder sometimes  if God lets this happen, where all the responsibilities and concerns are piled up at once, to make you look to him. It's easy to think you can just pray more, read a little more of the bible and God will 'help' you carry the load. But God wants to carry it for you. There are some things in life that you just can't handle or do and God is patiently waiting for you to admit that to him and he'll gladly take over. Last week I was weighted down with one particular thing in my life, that's been a very long trial. I was tired. I felt so weak and like I couldn't take even one more day.  I admitted this to God and begged him to help me. His answer came from an unlikely source. My heart and mind were just so filled with concerns and hurts that I couldn't even get anything from the scriptures. But God answered me within about 3 hours.  Matthew 11:28 ,  Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   The only true rest that you can have is when you leave things over to God, take your hands completely off of it and leave it there, at his feet and you will see God in action. Believe me once you let God be the driver of your life. I would only advise you to sit back and relax because, surely you are in a save hands and will definitely arrive to your destination with joy, peace and thanksgiving unto the lord.
The day may be over, yet you have not gotten the breakthrough you want, move to God and he will help your conquer. Blessed day


  1. have you ever prayed and hoped that things will be alright and at the end of it all it wasn't. i prayed and believe in God with all my heart, that he would heal my only sister. my twin sister, but...
    sometimes i feel God is not on the throne. every thing i've asked for in this life has not been granted to me at any time expect the gift of life. i feel i shd even die.i have surrender all to him yet no answer. Nice to hear you write but it seems he works for people like you. what should i do to get him hear me?

  2. He does not have a favorite, he equally works for us all. yes i've prayed and didn't get an answer but it was for his own reason, we cannot measure his ways with our human imaginations.he might have taken your only twin sis, but for his own reason, we don not need to question him instead be thankful for what he has done.
    you've asked for virtually everything and not granted, perhaps you are asking for the wrong thing, or at the wrong time, which ever the case is..your life is a gift as you stated, be grateful with that, cos once there is life, there is hope. at his time, he will pour his blessings upon you that you might forget your days of tears.
    you should never think of death because, death is a popular word for the defeated and you are not because you are a child of God.
    all you need to do is to believe in God with all your heart.trust in him, pray always and believe in your prayers, do the little things your hands can do with all diligence. then you will see his blessings
